Please Register for a #PennPTA Connect Account!
Our goal is to have all families be connected to Penngrove! #PennPTA was designed to help you become an active member of our community. In order to have full access to the website, you will need to register for a free account.
Why should you register with #PennPTA Connect? Below are the top reasons:
Purchase school related items such as logowear or yearbooks
- Online community directory (adults have the ability to opt in or out of the directory when setting up their account)
RSVP to attend an event
Donate to the school
Sign-up to volunteer
Purchase adult or student FOPPTA memberships
If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, you can use the same log-in and password below.
Returning User?
If you have a Membership Toolkit user account,
even with another organization,
you can log in here:
New User?
If you don't have a Membership Toolkit user account, you can create one now: